Curriculum Statement
Bledlow Ridge School Curriculum Statement
Curriculum Rationale
The curriculum at Bledlow Ridge School is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils and gives them the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for their future lives.The curriculum is designed to be fun and exciting: we want our children to love learning and enjoy coming to school.
- Our Bledlow Ridge Values underpin our curriculum.
- Curiosity: everyone is open to learning new things about themselves, all that surrounds them and how the two fit together.
- Resilience: everyone keeps trying to better themselves, even when things are difficult or when we make mistakes.
- Health: everyone has the skills and tools to maintain a healthy balance of their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
- Empathy: everyone is kind, caring and considerate of the feelings of one another.
- Respect: everyone treats our environment with respect and appreciates the cultures, beliefs and views of one another.
- Confidence: everyone believes in themselves, stands up for what is right and has the confidence to reflect and learn from their actions
Curriculum Statement
At Bledlow Ridge School we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced, which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014, complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the SEN and Disability Regulations 2014. The curriculum at Bledlow Ridge is accessible for all children, including those with a disability or SEN needs.
We want every child to take an interest in what they are learning and for it to mean something to them. Subject ‘Road Maps’ and subject 'Medium Term Plans' provide logical progression of learning. Our curriculum considers the development and wellbeing of the whole child; not just concentrating on academic success. We intend to teach a curriculum that allows children to make links between key areas of learning; remember more and give a firm foundation from which to develop further.
Our curriculum is designed to foster links between subjects. Themes are planned each half term and curriculum areas are blocked together to support pupils' retrieval practice. For example, History and Geography subjects are blocked, therefore allowing half a term for a Geography focus, where knowledge and skills taught can be retrieved and remembered, followed by half a term for a History focus. This time allows skills and knowledge to develop over the half term, where teachers focus on ensuring that pupils remember more.
Regular enrichment activities throughout the year provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum. For example, we have had workshops from outside providers to mark the beginning of Black History Month. Pupils were taught about generation Windrush, this learning then continued into the classroom through drama and written activities. There are termly 'Time to Talk' days with a specific theme planned. The most recent day focussed on the 9 Protected Characteristics and was titled, 'Proud to be ME!' Time to Talk days give pupils an opportunity to understand how to communicate; listen effectively and celebrate who we are. Other successful enrichment activities include #WeareMusicians, #WeareAuthors, #WeareActive.
The impact of this approach is evident in the pupils outcomes and the positive attitudes of children towards their learning.
The curriculum is underpinned by the Bledlow Ridge School values of Respect, Empathy, Curiosity, Confidence, Resilience and Health. The children are clear about the behaviours that show they are following the school values; our values are taught on their own e.g. through assemblies and also through other areas of the curriculum. Pupils who embody our Bledlow Ridge School Values are given certificates each week in celebration assembly. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum.
There are trips planned (including local trips within our community) throughout the year. These trips involve aspects of history, geography and outdoor education as well as the opportunity to develop social skills and independence. All years undertake educational visits and enrichment activities. Before any visit takes place, the initial plan is approved by the Headteacher and risk assessments are completed. In order for educational visits to take place, parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost. Children across the school benefit from visiting speakers and special enrichment days. In Year 6 the children are able to take part in a residential visit.
The approaches mentioned above ensures that the school avoids a narrowing of the curriculum. The implementation of the knowledge and skills pupils acquire and the focus on retrieval practice mean that children at Bledlow Ridge School remember what they are learning and can enjoy a broad, balanced and rich curriculum in every year group of the school.
The school uses the Little Wandle Phonics programme. For more information, please refer here