School Governors

Message from the Governors

The Governors of Bledlow Ridge School are proud of their school, its headteacher, staff and pupils.

The school is continually developing and improving to meet the needs of its pupils and provide the most up-to-date learning environment. As the Governing Body it is our duty to ensure the school is managed efficiently, and the headteacher has the resources necessary to support our shared vision for the school.

Thanks to the dedication of the staff, Bledlow Ridge School has been one of the top performing schools in Buckinghamshire for several years. Its ethos of helping each child to reach his or her full potential academically, physically and socially ensures that when our children leave us to continue their educational journey, they are confident, independent and caring young people, fully prepared to succeed in the world of secondary education and beyond.


Chair of Governors 

Zoe Williams


Vice Chair of Governors 

Hugh Gage

Bledlow Ridge School Governing Body

Governor Details 

Governors' Attendance at Meetings
Full Governor roles and interests declared